Judah Immanuel

Hardworking, motivated, eager to learn, and always looking to take on new challenges. Finance professional with experience in fundamental and quantitative credit research. Proficient in Python, R, and Excel VBA, with strong data analytics skills. Experience using Snowflake/Snowpark for Big Data management and analytics. Proven track record implementing open-source LLMs and purpose built AI models. Actively contribute to the protein engineering and computational chemistry space via purpose-built open-sourced language models on HuggingFace.

View My GitHub Profile

Data Science and Investment Research

Technical Skills: TensorFlow,NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, R, SQL/NoSQL, Snowflake, SPSS, JMP/JSL, VBA, Hypothesis Testing, Regression Analysis, Experimental Design, PowerBI, Exploratory Data Analysis, Classification, LLMs


Work Experience

Quantitative and Fundamental Fixed Income Researcher @ Conning Inc. (August 2022 - Present)

Data Analyst @ Boehringer Ingelheim (March 2022 - August 2022)

Research Experience

Student Researcher @ UConn Health – Behavioural Sciences

Student Researcher @ Quinnipiac University – Environmental Sciences

Student Researcher @ Yale School of Medicine – Neuropsychiatry

Completed Data Science and Artifical Intelligence Projects

ProGemma - A Gemma 2 LLM Pre-Trained on Amino Acid Sequences of Length 0 - 512

ViT_Skin_Cancer – Fine Tuned ViT on Skin Cancer Images

ViT_Breast_Cancer – Fine Tuned ViT on Breast Cancer Microscope Images

SMILES_BERT – A RoBERTa model Fine-Tuned on Chemical SMILES

Fixed Income Portfolio Optimizer

Monte Carlo DCF Framework

Projects to be Completed by Year End 2024

GemmaRNA – Controlled ncRNA Sequence Generation


Citroen, K. & Immanuel, J. (2024). State of the States: Municipal Bond Credit Perspectives [White paper]. Conning Inc. https://www.conning.com/-/media/marketingsite/documents/state-of-the-states/state-of-the-states-2024.pdf

Citroen, K. & Immanuel, J. (2023). State of the States: Municipal Bond Credit Perspectives [White paper]. Conning Inc. https://www.conning.com/-/media/marketingsite/documents/state-of-the-states/state-of-the-states—2023.pdf

Feinn, R., Bermudez-Millan, A., Berthold, S. M., Buckley, T., Immanuel, J., Fraser-King, L., Horn, I. S., Keuky, L., Kong, S., Kuoch, T., O’Donnell, S., Read, J. P., Scully, M., & Wagner, J. (2021). Relationship of alcohol use and facial flushing to blood pressure and hba1c among Cambodian populations with dysglycemia in the U.S. and in Cambodia. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 102374. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsx.2021.102374

Bagdas D, Rupprecht LE, Nunes EJ, Schillinger E, Immanuel JJ, Addy NA. Effects of Cherry and Vanilla Flavorants on Oral Nicotine Liking and Disliking in Rats. In: The Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 26th Annual Meeting; 2020 Mar 11-14; New Orleans, LA. https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.srnt.org/resource/resmgr/conferences/2020_annual_meeting/SRNT20_Abstracts_NEW_0227202.pdf

Bagdas, D., Rupprecht, L. E., Nunes, E. J., Schillinger, E., Immanuel, J. J., & Addy, N. A. (2021). Evaluation of Flavor Effects on Oral Nicotine Liking and/or Disliking Using the Taste Reactivity Test in Rats. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntab241